genjo sanzo ...

" ... embrace nothing. walking down the path - if you meet the buddha, kill the buddha. if you meet your father, kill your father. live your life as it is, not bound to anything ... "
finished watching saiyuki a couple of days back. not a very great animé by any stretch of imagination. but indeed, i could not have come across it at a better time. it is loosely based upon the línjì school of buddhism.


there is no buddha outside yourself. if you see him at a distance - know, that it is not the truth. your redeemer and your guide. is you. it is there you must search for him. inside the many folds and layers of your own self.

right now. i see a multitude of buddhas coming towards me. in a neat golden line. like a thousand suns with much promise. and it is precisely at this moment they must be killed. for they are hopes and lights which stem from outside my soul. chains which seek to bind me. to suns which do not burn for me. or from me.

now. at this point. one might wonder if this is all a sad masochistic device, born out of fear. if this does nothing but to alienate the self from the world around it. to build a cocoon. but what one must realise is. for the self to meld with the non-self. for this union to satiate. for peace to follow. the buddha must be pure-born. of the seed of the self. for only then can this union be equal. for only then can the play be pure and unconditional. for only then can the self be saved from being alone.
"you want your freedom? then live ... "